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통일부 다시 대한민국! 새로운 국민의 나라

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태국 국경일 행사(Thai National Day) 축사


Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

싸와디 캅.

It is a great honor for me not only on behalf of the Korean government, but also as a friend of Ambassador Wichu to attend the Thai National Day celebration. First and foremost, I would like to express heartfelt congratulations on this auspicious occasion.

I was so blessed to work as a Korean Ambassador to Thailand until last June before I came back to Korea, and so proud to be a part of this important bi-lateral relations. A few days ago, I heard good news that the Korea-Thailand friendship trail within the Khao Yai National Park, which I promoted during my tenure, has been completed. This is just one of many examples how our bi-lateral relations have been deepened in various fields.

Economic relations between the two countries are seeking new opportunities recently not only in trade but also in investment. People-to -people exchanges are also recovering to pre-COVID-19 levels with 1.8 million visitors from Korea to Thailand last year. Exchanges in the cultural field are also an important aspect of our relationship, as Black Pink Lisa symbolizes. As you probably know, Thailand is also the country with the largest number of students learning Korean in middle and high school in the world. I also would like to recognize that many hard-working Thai workers in Korea contribute to Korea's economic growth.

This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Korea and Thailand. Since October 1, 1958, the two countries have developed relations while sharing mutual respect and common values. For three years starting next year, Thailand will play an important role as a dialogue coordinator between Korea and ASEAN. Our two countries are now facing an important turning point for a new cooperative partnership. We will have to make good use of this opportunity to upgrade our relations.

Thailand launched a new government led by PM 세르타 a few months ago. The Korean government will make every effort to further strengthen bilateral relations with the new government. Our two countries have much in common to complement each other, and there is still a great potential that has not been fully developed. I think it's up to us who are here today to realize this potential.

I would like to take this opportunity to express gratitude to the Korean War Veterans in Thailand who sacrificed themselves to protect Korea's freedom during the Korean War. This has been solid foundation for our bi-lateral relations for many many years. I also want to say that it was a great honour and pleasure to work with Ambassador Witchu as an a Korean Ambassador to Thailand for more than a year and half. I wish you all the best and success in your future.

I once again congratulate this occasion to celebrate the birthday of His Majesty King 푸미폰 아둔야뎃 and I would like to propose a toast.

For the future-oriented relations between Korea and Thailand.






공공누리의 제 4유형 안내
통일부의 태국 국경일 행사(Thai National Day) 축사 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.
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